8 Tips For Reaching Conqueror Rank in PUBG Mobile

PUBG Mobile has become a multifaceted phenomenon since its launch in 2018. This battle royale shooter game has attracted over 600 million players worldwide, making it one of the most popular in the genre.

Its features, such as an immersive and expansive map, weapon options, multiple survival tactics, and match settings, add to the play’s appeal. The game is also lauded for its graphics, audio effects, and intuitive, user-friendly controls that give even first-time gamers an enjoyable experience.

Last but not least, cross-platform compatibility allows gamers from all corners of the world to play together, regardless of whether they use mobile or console devices. 

Below in this article, we have discussed how to reach the conqueror level in PUBG. Keep on reading.

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Tips And Tricks For Reaching Conqueror Rank In PUBG

It takes a lot of skill and strategy to reach the highest rank, Conqueror. But if you are willing to put in the time and effort, it is possible! Here are some tips to help you get there.

1. Understand Your Playstyle 

Before attempting to reach Conqueror rank, it is essential to understand your playstyle. 

Are you an aggressive player who likes to go all out? Or do you prefer a more strategic approach? Knowing what kind of player you are will make it easier for you to create a plan for achieving your goal. 

2. Play Smart 

Always take your time when playing PUBG Mobile, as rushing into fights is only sometimes the best idea. Take stock of your surroundings and plan out your strategies accordingly. 

Taking calculated risks can be beneficial but try to avoid getting too reckless or careless with your life.  

3. Pick Your Battles 

Only some battles need to be fought. If you encounter multiple opponents, feel free to back off or hide until they move on.

This will allow you time to regroup and plan your next move before engaging again. 

4. Understand Your Weapon of Choice 

The first step to becoming a conqueror is understanding your weapon of choice. Whether you prefer assault rifles, SMGs, LMGs, or snipers, it’s essential to know how your guns perform in different situations. 

Take some time to experiment with different weapons and play styles to find what works best for you. It will help give you an edge over your opponents and help increase your chances of conquering the battlefield!

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5. Study Your Enemies

Another critical tip for becoming a conqueror is studying your enemies’ movements and tactics. Please pay attention to how they move around the map and where they hide during firefights. 

Knowing when and where your enemies will likely be can help you plan and make better strategic decisions during battles. You can also take note of which weapons they use so that you have a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. 

6. Know When To Attack And When To Retreat 

Finally, one of the essential tips for becoming a conqueror is knowing when to attack and when to retreat. 

During heated battles, it’s easy to get caught up in the moment. However, it’s important to remember that winning isn’t always about killing as many enemies as possible; sometimes, it is more beneficial to stay alive than take risks by attacking recklessly. 

Knowing when it’s time to attack or when it’s time to retreat can often be the difference between life or death (and victory or defeat!).  

7. Focus on Getting Kills

To reach Conqueror rank, you’ll need to focus on getting as many kills as possible. It would help if you tried to play multiple matches back-to-back to maximize your kill count and gain extra points for your ranking. 

Playing more often will give you an edge over others who are playing less often and may have less experience or knowledge about the game. Also, Read – https://battlelog.co/pubg-hacks/.

8. Stay Focused & Have Fun

Finally, it’s important to remember that your main goal is having fun while staying focused on reaching the Conqueror rank. 

Don’t get too caught up in what other players are doing or bragging about their accomplishments; stay focused on improving your skill set each time you play. 

Staying positive and having fun while playing will help keep morale high and ensure everyone enjoys themselves while striving for victory! 


Reaching Conqueror rank in PUBG Mobile requires dedication and skill. By following these tips, you should be able to get there eventually! 

Remember that practice makes perfect, so don’t get discouraged if it takes longer than expected – keep at it, and success will come eventually! Good luck!

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