Reverse Your Audio or Video on Instagram – The Easy Method

Team Tech

The new Instagram update just came out, and now you can reverse both video and audio in your posts. If you’re like us and have a strong eye for details, then this is an exciting new feature with a lot of potentials. 

Follow these simple steps to reverse your audio or video on Instagram

1) Record your video or make your post using the normal picture/video process. Don’t worry about reversing anything yet.

2) Press the blue “Share” button in the bottom right corner of the screen. 

3) A list will pop up with a few options at the top and your picture or video beneath it. If you have multiple posts, then this will be a list of those posts. If you only have one post like in the example below, then it will be that one post listed there. Press “Post”.

4) A new screen will come up with an option to “Send Later”. You can choose Snapchat or Instagram, but not both.

5) Now that you have access to your video or audio, scroll down and find the bottom left section labeled “Reverse”. You will see a circle icon next to it. 

6) Press the green arrow as indicated by the circle icon on the bottom left of your screen and hold for 3 seconds. Your recording will now be reversed and you can post it to show the world. 

That’s it! You’ve successfully reversed your audio or video on Instagram. 

Reverse your Audio on Instagram

Instagram doesn’t offer a way to reverse the playback of an audio post. But with this easy workaround, you can make your sound go backward!

1. Download an app called “Reverse Audio” from the App Store or Play Store (free)

2. Open Instagram and share a video or audio post. Tap on “Open in Reverse Audio”.

3. The audio will be reversed and looped.

4. Tap the download icon at the top right to save the reversed audio for later playback.

5. You can re-upload the same audio with this app or share your new creation via Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook, and more!

“Reverse Audio is a simple app but it delivers quite an impressive result”. In combination with Textra, adding text messages over images or videos, you can create some crazy Instagram posts.


Reverse your Video on Instagram

To reverse your video on Instagram, you just need to add a simple “reverse” filter and everything will be fine. Here’s how:

Step 1: Head over to your Instagram profile and tap on video settings.

Step 2: Tap on the “edit” button on this page, then tap on the “reverse” button in the top right corner of the screen. You’ll see that all your videos are now reversed in time order. 

Step 3: Next, tap the “save” button in the top right corner of the screen, and then share your video link.

Reverse your Audio or Video using the InShot App – complete guide 

You can reverse a video on Instagram by using the InShot app. This is an easy and free process that you can do at home. 

Follow these simple steps to reverse a video

  • Download InShot Video Editor App from iPhone Appstore or google play store
  • Open the app, select video from your camera roll, or record video using the InShot video editor itself
  • Click on the “Reverse” button to reverse your video
  • You can share your reversed clip on Instagram by tapping the “Share” button in the top right corner
  • Post it to your account, add a caption, and revel at all of the confused admirers.

That’s all there is to it. You’ve reversed your Instagram video successfully with the InShot app! You can do much more than reverse your audio or video, like adding filters, text, music, and more.

And if you want to convert your videos and images into a high quality GIFs so, Adobe Express’s Gif Converter is also a powerful tool for quickly and easily converting videos and images into high-quality animated GIFs.

Reverse Videos and Audios on Instagram Free Online

In this article, we will be going over the easiest way to reverse videos on Instagram. Now that we know there’s an app for it, how do we go about doing this?

The first thing we need to do is download the free app “InstaReverse”. It is available on both Android and iOS. You can either install it on your mobile device or use the online version.

Here is a quick step-by-step to reverse videos on Instagram online:

1. Once you have downloaded the app, launch it. Now you need to select whether you want to reverse the video or audio file.

2. Once you have selected the file, you can now reverse it (for both audio and video). Reverse the audio first, then the video.

3. Once you have reversed your videos and audio, click on the ‘Download’ button under ‘Upload’.

Must Read: Tips To Make And Edit Your Instagram Videos Perfectly

How do I download the videos from Instagram to edit the audio file

The answer is pretty simple. If you’re an iPhone user, open the video on Instagram and swipe up to share it. This will prompt a menu of various sharing options, one of which is ‘Save video’. 

You can also use third-party apps like “Pudding” or “Instasave” to do this on your phone.

If you’re a Windows user, open the video on Instagram and right-click on it. Select ‘Save Video as’.

How can you reverse the audio on Instagram?

You can’t. However, there is a way to achieve this by using a third-party app called “InstaReverser.” You can download it here: It’s free, and while the app is extremely simple, it works just fine. You can also use other editing apps like Inshot, Audacity, and Ezgif. You can use any one of these to reverse the audio on Instagram.

How can you reverse the audio on a video?

There are many different ways to edit videos on Instagram, but the most common method is cutting and reversing the audio. You can use a free audio editor like Audacity or GarageBand to do this. Add the first clip of your video, then select all of it in Audacity and go to Effects > Amplify 0.1%.

This will turn up your volume by 1%. Then, follow a similar process for cutting out what you want from the clip so you can add it as a new clip. Repeat this process for every clip you want to cut out of your video.

Now, you have the option to reverse the audio in your video. Select all of your clips and go to Effects > Reverse audio. For most clips, this will reverse the audio so that it plays backward.

However, if you have music or other sound effects that play at a higher speed than the normal audio track, it will play backward too because it has its sound parallel track.

How can you reverse a video on Instagram?

1) Open up your Instagram profile. 2) Tap on the three dots in the top-right corner of your screen. 3) Tap “Settings”. 4) Scroll down and tap “Reverse Video” under “Video Settings”. 5) Tap on “Select” in the pop-up window. 6) A list of videos will show up. Select the video you want to reverse, then tap “Next”. 7) In the pop-up window, choose whether you want to show your profile’s name and photo or keep it private. 8) Tap “Done”. 9) The video will be reversed and the camera icon will disappear.

How can you download a Reel or story on Instagram?

Reels are great for social and personal storytelling. Here is how you can download a reel onto your device to share with friends and family.

1) Open Instagram and tap on the profile button.2) Scroll down to discover the person’s name and tap it.3) Tap ‘Media’ in the upper right corner of their profile page then select ‘Your Reels’ from under that option.4) You can now choose to share the reel via messaging, email, or by tapping on the option to download it directly onto your device.5) When you download it onto your device, you can either view it on your camera roll or directly in the Instagram app.6) Tap and hold on a video in a post or story and hit ‘save video’.

How can you play a video in reverse with the audio?

The easy method uses the Instagram web app. There is a way to reverse your video on Instagram, and it’s pretty simple. All you need to do is upload the video you want to play in reverse to your Instagram account.

Once that’s done, open up your Instagram profile, click on the three lines at the top of your screen near “following,” and then click “videos.” From there you’ll be able to select your video from a long list and find the option for “reverse.”

How do I undo reverse audio? 

When you post your video to Instagram, it will be in reverse audio. If you want to restore the normal audio, there are a few options.

You can use the “Dissolve” button on the bottom-right corner of your photo or video; this will erase the part that was posted before.

You can also tap and hold on to the part of your photo or video where it says “Undo”, then click “Normal Audio”. This will undo everything that had been done with reverse audio up until that point.

How can you mirror your camera on Instagram?

Instagram introduced a new camera that allowed you to take photos or videos and then mirror them in the app. The new camera, which is available on the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus, will give your photos a retro vibe by flipping the image horizontally. We show you how to take advantage of this feature.

Begin by heading over to your Instagram account on an iPhone 6s or 6s Plus. Tap on the camera icon in the bottom right, and a ring will appear around your phone’s rear camera.

Circling the center of your screen, you’ll see a grid, each square representing an aspect ratio that you can shoot in. Press and hold on to one of the squares until a thumbnail for that ratio pops up over it. You can also swipe left or right to move through the different ratios here. Tap on one to start shooting in it.

Where is Rewind on Instagram?

It used to be that at the end of a recording, Instagram allowed you to fast forward back 8 seconds. However, in case you had missed it and wanted to watch it again or re-play an interesting part of the video or audio, there was a Rewind button on the top right corner of your screen. Nowadays though, that button has disappeared and it’s become increasingly frustrating when trying to replay something funny in Instagram videos as they have all but disappeared.

But fret not, for there is a solution. And you can do it easily with the press of a button.

Step 1: Make a video and pause it (press the blue record button to pause your video recording) on the part that you want to replay.

Step 2: After pausing it, click on the hamburger menu (3 dots) in the top left corner of your screen and click settings. Then hover over ‘Speed’ and click on the ‘Rewind’ option. You can rewind 8 seconds. After that, click on the blue record button to continue recording your video.

How can you reverse a video on Instagram?

1) Open up your Instagram profile. 2) Tap on the three dots in the top-right corner of your screen. 3) Tap “Settings”. 4) Scroll down and tap “Reverse Video” under “Video Settings”. 5) Tap on “Select” in the pop-up window. 6) A list of videos will show up. Select the video you want to reverse, and then tap “Next”. 7) In the pop-up window, choose whether you want to show your profile’s name and photo or keep it private. 8) Tap “Done”. 9) The video will be reversed and the camera icon will disappear.

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