5 Tips And Tricks To Writing Appium Tests

Team Tech

Gather around, my fellow tech enthusiasts! Today, we’re delving into Appium tests – the backbone of any successful mobile application. As a developer, writing Appium tests can feel like navigating through a volcano of code and syntax.

But fear not, for we have five tips and tricks that will make you the Appium testing director of your team and blast off into space with confidence, leaving any black holes of confusion behind. So, strap in, and let’s ignite this journey to writing successful Appium tests!

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1. driver.getPageSource()

This command is a real gem for app debugging. It allows you to retrieve the HTML source of the current screen in your mobile app. You can use this to check for any issues with your UI, identify incorrect element placement, or even locate some pesky bugs causing your app to misbehave.

To use this command, simply call it on your driver instance and store the output in a variable like so:

String pageSource = driver.getPageSource();

You can then log the output of this variable to the console or even write it to a file for further analysis. Let’s say you want to log the page source to the console. You can do so using the following command:


Now, let’s say your app has a button that should navigate to a different screen, but clicking on it does nothing. You can use the driver.getPageSource() command to inspect the HTML source and check for any issues with the button element. For example, the button might have an incorrect ID, or it might not be within the correct container element.

One potential problem with using the driver.getPageSource() command is that it can be time-consuming to analyze the HTML source to identify issues manually. This is where LambdaTest can come in handy.

LambdaTest, a cloud-based digital experience testing platform, allows you to run your Appium tests on a range of real mobile devices and browsers. With LambdaTest, you can run your tests on multiple devices simultaneously and quickly identify any issues with your mobile app.

Additionally, LambdaTest provides a range of debugging tools, including a live debugging feature that allows you to debug your mobile app on a real device remotely. This feature allows you to inspect the HTML source of your app in real-time, making it much easier to identify and resolve any issues.

So, if you’re struggling with manual debugging using the driver.getPageSource() command, consider using LambdaTest to speed up the debugging process and improve the efficiency of your Appium tests.

2. driver.context()

When testing a hybrid app, you might encounter scenarios where you need to interact with both the native and web components of the app. This is where the driver.context() comes to the rescue. It allows you to switch between different contexts and perform your testing magic.

So, how does it work? Let’s say you have software that has a native screen with a button that opens a web view. Once you switch to the web view, you can’t use the native app context anymore. That’s where you need to switch to the web context using the driver.context() command.

Below’s an example code snippet to illustrate the process:

// Get all available contexts

Set<String> contexts = driver.getContextHandles();

// Switch to the web context

for (String context : contexts) {

    if (context.contains(“WEBVIEW”)) {





// Perform some web actions




// Switch back to the native context


In this code snippet, we first get all the available contexts using driver.getContextHandles(). Then we loop through the contexts and switch to the one that contains “WEBVIEW”. We perform some web actions and then switch back to the native context using a driver.context(“NATIVE_APP”).

In this case, you can use LambdaTest’s Real-Time Testing feature to test your app on multiple real mobile devices and browsers simultaneously. This allows you to test your app in different environments and easily switch between the different contexts using LambdaTest’s intuitive interface.

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3. driver.switchTo().window()

So, have you ever felt like a multitasking superhero, juggling multiple windows or contexts like a pro? Well, the good news is that with the “driver.switchTo().window()” command, you can easily switch between different windows or contexts in your mobile app without breaking a sweat!

When you call “driver.switchTo().window()”, you’re telling Appium to switch the focus to a different window or context. You’ll need to pass a string value as input, which represents the name or handle of the window or context you want to switch to.

Here’s an example to make things more concrete: let’s say you’re testing a hybrid mobile app that has both a native component and a web view component. You want to switch to the web view context to test some web functionality. To do this, you can use the “driver.getContextHandles()” command to get a list of all the available contexts in your app and then switch to the webview context using the following code:

Set<String> contextHandles = driver.getContextHandles();

for (String context : contextHandles) {

    if (context.contains(“WEBVIEW”)) {





In this example, we’re using a for loop to iterate through all the available contexts and find the one that contains the string “WEBVIEW”. Once we find the correct context, we use the “driver.switchTo().window()” command to switch to it.

One common issue that you might encounter when using “driver.switchTo().window()” is that sometimes you may not be sure which window or context to switch to. This can be especially challenging when you’re testing a large mobile app with many different windows or contexts.

To overcome this problem, you can use the LambdaTest Real-Time Dashboard. This powerful tool allows you to view and interact with your app in real-time across multiple devices and browsers. You can easily switch between different windows or contexts and see your tests’ results in real-time.

In addition, the LambdaTest Real-Time Dashboard also provides detailed logs and screenshots of your tests, making it easy to identify any issues and debug your app. So, the next time you feel overwhelmed by your app’s different windows and contexts, remember to use the LambdaTest Real-Time Dashboard to simplify your testing process!

4. driver.findElementByXPath()

Ah, XPath – the language that strikes fear into the hearts of even the most seasoned developers. But fear not, my fellow Appium testers, for we have just the command for you!

The driver.findElementByXPath() command is your trusty companion when it comes to finding elements using XPath expressions. It takes an XPath expression as input and returns the first element matching that expression. XPath expressions are powerful and allow you to select different elements based on their attributes, position, and text content.

Let’s say we want to find the “Login” button on a mobile app. We can use the following XPath expression:


This expression looks for a button element with the text “Login”. We can then use the following code to find the element:

var loginButton = driver.findElementByXPath(“//button[@text=’Login’]”);

And just like that, we have our element!

But wait, there’s more! XPath commands can also select different elements based on their position in the DOM tree, attributes, and ancestors. With the power of XPath and the driver.findElementByXPath() command, the possibilities are endless.

5. driver.getWindowHandle()

Let’s say you’re testing a mobile app with multiple windows, like a pop-up or a login screen. You need to ensure you’re interacting with the correct window, or else you might accidentally log in as the wrong user (yikes!). By using a driver.getWindowHandle(), you can get the unique identifier for the current window, which you can then use to switch to that window using driver.switchTo().window().

Here’s an example: let’s say you’re testing a mobile app with a pop-up window that appears after clicking a button. You want to interact with an element on that pop-up, but you need to switch to the correct window first. You can do that with the following code:

String mainWindow = driver.getWindowHandle(); // get the current window handle

driver.findElement(By.id(“popupButton”)).click(); // click the button to open the pop-up

for (String windowHandle : driver.getWindowHandles()) {

    if (!windowHandle.equals(mainWindow)) { // loop through all the window handles

        driver.switchTo().window(windowHandle); // switch to the pop-up window



driver.findElement(By.id(“popupElement”)).click(); // interact with an element on the pop-up

driver.switchTo().window(mainWindow); // switch back to the main window

In this example, we first get the current window handle using driver.getWindowHandle(). We then click the button to open the pop-up and loop through all the window handles using driver.getWindowHandles(). We switch to the pop-up window by comparing the window handle to the current handle and using driver.switchTo().window(). We can then interact with an element on the pop-up and switch back to the main window using driver.switchTo().window() again.

One potential problem with using the driver.getWindowHandle() is that it only returns the handle for the current window. If you’re testing a complex mobile app with many windows, it can be difficult to keep track of all the handles and ensure you’re always using the correct one. Additionally, if a window opens in a new tab or browser window, you might not be able to access it using the driver.getWindowHandle() at all.

To overcome this, you can use a cloud-based testing platform like LambdaTest that provides a visual testing grid. With LambdaTest, you can see a live view of your mobile app across multiple devices and platforms, with each window or tab displayed in a separate pane. This allows you to easily switch between windows and tabs and interact with elements on each one without worrying about managing window handles or keeping track of which window you’re currently using. 

Additionally, LambdaTest provides tools for debugging and troubleshooting issues with window switching, so you can quickly identify and fix any problems that arise. So there you have it – driver.getWindowHandle() is like a compass for your mobile app, guiding you to the correct window and keeping you on track. 


We’ve covered a lot of ground in our journey through 5 Tips and Tricks to Writing Appium Tests. You can become an Appium testing superstar with these tips in your toolkit! So get out there and start testing like a pro, and don’t forget to have some fun along the way. After all, as the saying goes, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”

About the author

Alex Morgan is a seasoned technology enthusiast and digital strategist with over a decade of experience in the tech industry. Specializing in content marketing, SEO, and web development, Alex shares valuable insights and practical guides to help readers stay ahead in the digital landscape.

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