What Does The Red Heart Mean On Snapchat?

Team Tech

Snapchat is an instant messaging social media platform that is very popular among teenagers. You can create, share and upload photos or videos on its platform by adding filters or lenses on it. Snapchat is available on both Android and iOS devices. Snapchat uses a lot of emojis and filters to convey short messages to others. 

Did you hear about heart emojis on Snapchat? If yes then what does red heart means on Snapchat? It is the most frequently asked question among people. When you chat with each other on Snapchat you see different emojis shown next to the usernames. But why do they put it here. It something shows about your relationship with each other. 

Here you see all about red heart means on snapchat and some other related emojis meanings. Keep reading to explore more. 

Red Heart Mean On Snapchat?

Red heart means on Snapchat that you and your friends have completed the two weeks of your friendship. You and your friend send snaps to each other on a daily basis.

What Does The Red Heart ❤️ Mean On Snapchat?

The red heart is an emoji that you see next to your friend’s name on Snapchat. When you see this emoji next to any of your friend’s names it means that you have been each other’s best friends for two weeks straight. 

You send most of the messages or snaps to each other daily. When your friendship starts and you completed one week or seven days you see this heart is yellow and then it turns to red when you have been each other friends for two weeks straight. 

After completing two months of your friendship this heart turns pink which shows your best relationship on Snapchat. 

What Does A Yellow Heart Mean On Snapchat?

How To Get Red Heart ❤️ On Snapchat?

If you want to get red hearts on Snapchat you have to send snaps to each other frequently. Snapchat uses a secret algorithm to determine people’s friendships with each other. If you send snaps to each other daily and complete two weeks then your yellow heart turns to red which you want. Getting a red heart means your loyalty and interaction with your friend. 

Few Tips To Achieve Red Heart ❤️ On Snapchat

Here are a few tips that you must follow to achieve a red heart on Snapchat. 

1. Snap Regularly

If you want to get a red heart then you have to maintain your level of interaction with your friend like you have to send snaps to each other on a frequent basis. It helps you to get a red heart on snapchat.

2. Participate In Group Chats

When you participate in group chats you have an option to increase your interaction with your friends. Snapchat allows its members to chat with multiple persons at a single time. So it is an opportunity for you to get a red heart by participating in group chats. 

3. Use Filters And Lenses

When you send snaps to your friends to get a red heart it is suggested that you must try to use filters or lenses on these snaps. Your snaps become more attractive and engaging. Then it is best to use filters and lenses while sending snaps to your friend.

4. Use Snapchat Regularly

It is the more important method to get a red heart on snapchat. When you can use Snapchat regularly and send snaps to friends with filters and lenses you have an opportunity to get a red heart soon on Snapchat. 

5. Tell Stories

Try to see the stories posted by other people and respond to that also. It is the best method to create a level of interaction with friends on Snapchat. When you post a story, send a link to your friend and ask them to respond to that. From doing this, you can easily get a red heart on snapchat. 

6. Maintain The Streaks

If you want to get a red heart on snapchat then try to maintain your streaks with your friends. Streaks may be a useful tool for developing consistency and maintaining a lot of contacts, which can earn you a red heart. To keep up a streak, send images back and forth for several days straight.

7. Make Use Of Snap Map

This is also best when you want to get a red heart on snapchat. Snap map tells you the friends that is nears near you according to your location. You can send snaps or streaks to them and also plan a meetup at any location to create a level of interaction or engagement with each other. From the use of Snap Map, you can create an experienced relationship to get red heart.

What Does “SB” Means On Snapchat? 

What Do The Other Snapchat Emojis Means?

You see here some details of emojis that you see on snapchat while using it. Some of the emojis are given below:

1. Gold Star

When you see a gold star next to your friend’s name, it means that your friend’s snaps are replayed in the last day or 24 hours. 

2. Yellow Heart

A yellow heart next to your friend’s name indicates that you have each other’s best friends from the last seven days. It means that you send snaps to each other frequently.

3. Red Heart

A red heart next to your friend’s name indicates that you have been each other’s best friend for the last two consecutive weeks. You also send more snaps to each other. 

4. Pink Heart

A pink heart next to your friend’s name indicates that you have been each other’s best friend for the last two months. It is the best heart that you ever gain on snapchat. 

5. Baby

When you make a new friend on Snapchat, then it is seen next to your friend’s name indicating your friendship. 

6. Face With Sunglasses

When you see an emoji of face with sunglasses it means that you and your friend send more snaps to each other. 

7. Grimacing Face

It shows that your best friend is also a best friend of any other. 

8. Smirking Face

It means that your friend sends a lot of snaps to you but you are not creating any interaction with them and you can’t send snaps to the person.

9. Fire

It shows a snap streak. When you and your friend snap chatted each other for a number of days and create a streak then you see a fire emoji next to your friend’s name.

10. Hundred

It means that you and your friend completed hundred days of your snap streak.

11. Hourglass

This emoji is an alert to the Snapchat user who makes a streak. It shows that your streak is about to end.

12. Cake

When this emoji shows next to your friend’s name on Snapchat, then today it’s birthday. Send him a birthday wish.

13. Zodiac Snapchat Emojis

This is best when you don’t know about your friend’s birthday month. When your friend enters into your birthday month then you see this emoji on your friend’s name. Here are all of them:

  • Aries (March 21 – April 19)
  • Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
  • Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
  • Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
  • Leo (July 23 – Aug 22)
  • Virgo (Aug 23 – Sept 22)
  • Libra (Sept 23 – Oct 22)
  • Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)
  • Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
  • Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)
  • Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18)
  • Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

How To Remove The Red Heart ❤️?

If you want to remove the red heart from your friend’s name, try of these:

1. It is the best method to remove hearts from your friend’s name by removing them as a friend. When you remove it from your friend list, the red heart is automatic removes from the person’s name. When the red heart disappeared, re-add your friend on snapchat.

2. Another method is that you can send more snaps to any other friend as compared to whom which have a red heart. When you send more snaps to another friend, a red heart comes to this friend, and from the other side, it will automatically be removed. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is a pink heart better 💗 than a red heart on snapchat?

The red heart next to your friend’s name means that you have been each other’s friend for the last two weeks straight and the pink heart indicates that you have had a lot of interaction with each other over the last two months. 

Can Both People See The Red Heart ❤️?

Yes, both people you and your friend see the red heart next to each other name. It will show you a strong relationship with each other. When you completed two weeks of your friendship then the red heart shows on both sides of the username. If you want to get a red heart, snap to each other frequently.

What does a white heart 🤍 mean on Snapchat?

The white heart on Snapchat is a symbol of love, support, and admiration for some things like white clothing or white animals. It is usually used on Snapchat to symbolize something differently.

What is black heart 🖤 mean on snapchat?

It can indicate that you are experiencing emo, have a twisted, dark spirit, a morbid sense of humor, or just enjoy sad things. The emoji has, however, been used more often and in a far more serious manner to show support for the Black Lives Matter campaign.

What does a yellow heart 💛 mean on snapchat?

A yellow heart is a sign of friendship with your friend on Snapchat. It means that you have sent more snaps to each other over the last seven days. 


Hopefully, you get your answer about red heart means on snapchat. If you want to know about anything else on Snapchat, kindly put your queries in the below comment box. We are always here to help you to answer your questions. Have a good day chatting on Snapchat with your friends. 

About the author

Alex Morgan is a seasoned technology enthusiast and digital strategist with over a decade of experience in the tech industry. Specializing in content marketing, SEO, and web development, Alex shares valuable insights and practical guides to help readers stay ahead in the digital landscape.

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