What Does An Hourglass Means On Snapchat ⏳? (Updated-2023)

Momi Dev

Snapchat is an instant messaging app that was developed by Snap Inc. It allows its users to post, upload and share pictures on its feed. Snapchat offers a lot of features to Snapchat users like Emojis that can be shown next to friends’ names. Sending and receiving pictures to friends displays your friendship with them.

It is a new type of camera that’s main function is to take pictures and add effects, filters, and lenses. It is available on both Android and iOS devices. Many people question what does emojis means on Snapchat that are displayed in front of the username like an hourglass.

In today’s post, you will learn what does an hourglass mean on Snapchat. Keep reading to explore more on that topic. 

What Does An Hourglass Means On Snapchat ⏳

Hourglass on Snapchat means that your streak with your friend is ending and this symbol is seen next to your friend’s name.

When you use Snapchat, you see a lot of emojis next to your friend’s name. Like you see the heart which shows about your relationship with Snapchat. You also see an hourglass also next to the person chatting. So, what hourglass means?

Hourglass is an emoji that Snapchat used when your streak with your friend is ending soon. This emoji is seen next to your friend’s name. 

When you have a streak with your friend, it means that you have to message each other on a daily basis which is shown by a fire emoji. The length of the streak is shown next to each person’s name with a number and a fire emoji. And if you see an hourglass emoji then you have just a few hours left to send a streak.

The hourglass icon on Snapchat acts as a signal that your performance is declining and that you need to up your level in order to have the hourglass indicator changed to a fire icon. You are continuing your snap streak if the fire indicator is present.

SnapChat Streak Lost! How To Recover It

What is a Snap Streak?

Snap Streaks keep track of how many days in which two people exchanged Snaps. And if you maintain this streak then your streak keeps stronger. Keep remembering that you must have to send one streak at least 24 hours a day. 

As long as you and the other person regularly send Snaps, the Streak continues. A fire or flame emoji () is displayed next to your friend’s name on Snapchat after the first three days to indicate that a Streak is active.

And if you maintain your streak in three days, then it is a snap streak. If you can’t be sent or exchanged photos in one day, then your streak may end or expire.

How to maintain a Snap Streak?

If you want to maintain a snap streak, then you must know about some rules of snap streak. 

You must send one picture or video in a day to keep your streak alive. And sending a chat message wouldn’t keep your streak alive. 

You keep remembering that always send messages from your camera. So it simply means that recordings and pictures that are taken from Snapchat are only available to send as a streak while text and messages are do not allow in it. 

Some things that are not available in Snapstreak:

  • Snapchat Stories
  • Spectacles
  • Memories
  • Group Chats

What to do if your Snap Streak disappears?

If your snap streaks disappear suddenly, then what you can do in this condition? It means that you and your friend send snaps to each other and an app error occurred or any other mistake than what you do. You can do some important things:

1. You must go to the Snapchat Support Page. 

2. Now here you can find the “My Snapstreak Disappeared” option. 

3. Then here fill in all the information. 

4. After you can do this, wait for a response. Snapchat tells you the rules of Snapstreak and you must follow them.

How to get rid of hourglass emoji on Snapchat?

If you want to get rid of the hourglass emoji on Snapchat, some things you must keep in your mind to do this. If you remove or break a streak with your friend, send a picture from your gallery or send a blank picture of anything. 

Or either you can send a text or messages in a streak, then your streak is automatically broken because according to the rule of the snap streak, you can’t send any text or messages in a streak. 

After doing that, you can wait for some time for an hourglass emoji automatically disappears from your friend’s chat screen. And if you seriously don’t care about your snap streak you can do anything which you want. 

How long does the hourglass last on Snapchat?

According to a lot of Snapchat users, your streak only lasts for two to three hours before it ends. Others, however, hold the view that it lasts for four to seven hours.

For streaks that lasted a month or more, Snapchat can display an extended hourglass icon, whereas smaller streaks just display a tiny hourglass icon. The length of your Snap streak has a significant impact on the window of opportunity.

Does the hourglass emoji appear on both sides?

Yes, the hourglass emoji appears on both sides. You and your friend who makes a snap streak will see the hourglass emoji in your chat or conversation. 

How long does ⏳ last on Snapchat?

The ⏳ hourglass symbol on Snapchat lasts for 4 hours.

What does ⌛ ⏳ mean on Snapchat? ChatGPT

On Snapchat, the ⌛ hourglass emoji and ⏳ timer symbol indicate that the recipient’s Snapstreak is about to expire. It serves as a warning that both parties need to exchange snaps within the next 24 hours (⌛) or 4 hours (⏳) to maintain the streak.

What does ⌛ emoji mean?ChatGPT

The ⌛ hourglass emoji typically represents the concept of time, indicating the passage of time or a period of waiting.

What does 3 🔥 ⌛ mean on Snapchat?

On Snapchat, when you see three fire emojis (🔥🔥🔥) next to a friend’s name, it means that you and that friend have been exchanging snaps for three consecutive days, indicating a Snapstreak. The number of days will increase as you continue to exchange snaps without a break.

What to do when you see hourglass on Snapchat?

If you see hourglass emoji on Snapchat, you can do any of the two things that are explained below:

  • First, ignore the streak and end it.
  • Second, reply as soon as possible to continue your streak. 
How To Turn Off Story Notifications On Snapchat?

What to do if you lose your Snap Streak?

You will lose your Snap Streak because you and your friend haven’t exchanged Snaps in the past 24 hours. There is no way to recover the lost Streak if this is the case. You just retrace your steps.

However, if you know that you and your friend keep exchanging Snaps, even ones sent within the previous day, and you still lost your Snapchat streak, this may be a problem on Snapchat’s end.

What is 100 icon next to a Snap Streak?

The 100 emoji () and flame will show after your streak reaches 100 days. Additionally, if you keep the Snapstreaks for an incredibly long time—Snapchat hasn’t specified how long—you could also see a mountain emoji ().

What does three emojis mean on Snap?

If you see three emojis in front of your friend’s name, then it shows that you can send a snap to your friend regularly for three consecutive days. And if you send snaps for a number of days, then you see a flame emoji beside your friend’s name. 

What does a pink heart mean nn Snapchat?

When you see pink hearts in front of your friend’s name, it means that you and your friend are #1 BFF for the last two months. 


Hope so you see all the information you needed in this article. If you have any queries regarding this article, feel free to put them in the comment box. Your feedback is important to us. Have a happy snapping. 

About the author

Alex Morgan is a seasoned technology enthusiast and digital strategist with over a decade of experience in the tech industry. Specializing in content marketing, SEO, and web development, Alex shares valuable insights and practical guides to help readers stay ahead in the digital landscape.

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