Snapchat Plus Planet Order: Complete Guide

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Snapchat is an instant messaging application or a social media platform that was developed by Snap Inc. It is available on both Android and iPhone devices. It allows you to send pictures and videos to your friends and family ones named as snaps. Snapchat released a feature of Snapchat named as Snapchat Plus. As you know that every platform has a paid version like Telegram, Whatsapp Business, and Youtube premium. Like Snapchat also allows a paid subscription which is Snapchat Plus. 

And there is also a feature on Snapchat Plus known as Snapchat Planets. It allows you to rank your friend’s lists that are based on your messages and then compare to the planets. Many people question that what is Snapchat planet’s order and meaning.

In today’s post, you will learn all about Snapchat planet order and other related questions. Keep reading to explore more. 

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Snapchat Planet Order

Snapchat Planet or Snapchat Solar System is a feature of Snapchat Plus. You will be the sun and the person close to you (the sun) is who shares the most streaks with you. It means Mercury. Before you go to the Snapchat Planet order, you must first know about Snapchat Plus. 

What is Snapchat Plus?

Snapchat Plus is a paid membership that allows their users to access to experimental features. Users only have access to these features if they buy a Snapchat plus membership. Users pay a monthly or weekly subscription to access to Snapchat Plus. You can use Snapchat Plus on both Android and iPhone. Some of the features of Snapchat Plus are given below:

  • Ghostly footprints on the earth 
  • a unique pin that allows you to designate certain friends as BFFs
  • a method to identify the viewers of your Stories
  • Custom themes and app icons 
  • The Snapchat Plus Badge
  • The ‘Friend Solar System’
  • Priority story replies
  • Post view emojis
  • Bitmoji backgrounds
  • Story timer
  • Capturing color
  • Custom notification sounds
  • Custom story expiration
  • Camera color borders

Snapchat Plus membership

In the United States:

  • You can pay $3.99 for a monthly Snapchat Plus membership. 
  • You can pay $21.99 for a half-year Snapchat plus membership. 
  • You can pay $39.99 for a yearly Snapchat Plus membership. 

Now you see the Snapchat planets, their order, etc. 

What are Snapchat planets?

Everyone knows about the Solar system and its planets. Nine planets are revolving around the sun and the closest was Mercury. Same as this snapchat have a planet order and the planet that is near to the sun is the closest. Snapchat has a feature called as Snapchat Solar System. 

If you are using a paid Snapchat membership means Snapchat Plus, there here you will be the sun and the planet that is close to you indicate that it is the one who shares the more streaks with you. 

So gradually the person below that the second, third, and the fourth are now far from you when this number goes down. 

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What is the order of Snapchat Planet?

Snapchat Solar system has some planets that appear based on which person shares you the more streaks with you. Here you see the order of Snapchat planet:

1. Mercury

As you know Mercury is the only planet that is closest to the sun. This emoji of Planet “Mercury” is shown in front of the person that shares more streaks with you. It simply means that this person is very close to you based on the streaks. The symbol of this planet shows with Pink Planet With Red Hearts

2. Venus

Venus is the second planet that is closest to the sun. This emoji of Planet “Venus” is shown in front of the person that shares the most streaks with you. It simply means that this person is close to you based on the streaks. The symbol of this planet shows with Beige planet with yellow, blue, and pink hearts.

3. Earth

Earth is the third planet that is closest to the sun. The emoji of this planet is shown in front of the person who shares you most streaks. The symbol of this planet shows with Green and Blue Planet With Red Hearts And The Moon. 

4. Mars

Mars is the other planet that is closest to the sun. This person shares with you the most streaks and it is represented with the symbol of the Red Planet With Purple And Blue Hearts. 

5. Jupiter

Jupiter is the fifth planet that is closest to the sun. This emoji of the Planet “Jupiter” is shown in front of the person that shares fifth number streaks with you. The symbol of this planet shows with Orange Planet With No Hearts. 

6. Saturn

Saturn is the sixth person that is closest to the sun. It is the person that shares the streaks with you in the sixth number. The symbol of this planet shows with Yellow Planet With A Ring. 

7. Uranus

Uranus is the seventh planet that is closest to the sun. The emoji of this planet is shown in front of the person who shares you most streaks in the seventh number. The symbol of this planet shows with Green Planets With No Hearts. 

8. Neptune

Neptune is the eighth planet in the solar system that is closest to the sun. It shares you with the eighth closest person on Snapchat. The symbol of this planet shows with Blue Planets With No Hearts. 

How you to see the Snapchat Solar System?

If you want to see the Snapchat Solar System, then two things that you must need:

  • An account on Snapchat Plus, a membership 
  • You and your friend must have a linked emoji
  • If you have everything set up, go to your friends’ profiles where you will notice a gold-bordered ‘Best Friends’ or ‘Friends’ badge beneath their Bitmoji image.

What is the User Reaction to the Snapchat Plus?

Snapchat launched a paid feature tool called Snapchat Plus. When you pay its membership you have access to a lot of features that are not in Snapchat. Different people have different reactions to this Snapchat plus. Someone sees this is a beneficial program and some believe that it is a waste of time. 

How to Get Snapchat Plus?

If you want to get Snapchat Plus, follow the given steps:

1) On your phone, launch the Snapchat app.

2) Now Select your Profile from the menu in the top left corner.

3) After that, Select the Snapchat Plus icon next.

4) Then, You must now choose a plan from the ones offered.

 5) After choosing a subscription plan, finish the payment procedure.

6) You may use Snapchat Plus after the payment procedure is complete.

Does Snapchat Plus really require money?

In its most recent financial report, Snapchat stated that its Snapchat+ platform had more than 2 million paying customers. The $3.99 monthly premium option, according to Snap, is a component of “diversifying” its income streams.

What does Snapchat’s paid membership let you go?

Snapchat launched a feature Snapchat Plus. When you subscribe to this membership, you can access to exclusive and experimental features. It will give you a perfect and great experience while using Snapchat deeply. It unlocks new features before anyone else gets a chance to use them. Features include Snapchat Web, special badges, story rewatch counts, the option to pin a person as a BFF, and more.

What is the order of Snapchat Planet?

The order of Snapchat planet is given below:

1) Mercury 2) Venus 3) Earth 4) Mars

5) Jupiter 6) Saturn 7) Uranus 8) Neptune

Which Planet is closest to the sun?

The closest one is the mercury to the sun. It means that this person is the most streaks with you. 

What planet is blue?

Neptune is the blue planet.

What does Snapchat’s red planet mean?

The next planet, Mars, stands for your fourth closest friend. A “red planet with purple and blue hearts” is used to symbolize it.

If someone has Snapchat Plus, how can you indicate it?

Subscribers to Snapchat+ receive a special label that identifies them as paying customers. You must search for it. Simply visit the Snapchat user’s profile. An unknown star icon will appear next to the user’s Snapchat name if they are a Snapchat+ subscriber.


Hopefully, the above information is relatively helpful for you. If you have any queries, put them in the comment box. Have a good day. 

About the author

Alex Morgan is a seasoned technology enthusiast and digital strategist with over a decade of experience in the tech industry. Specializing in content marketing, SEO, and web development, Alex shares valuable insights and practical guides to help readers stay ahead in the digital landscape.

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