Sarah Jane Identified: After Video Trying To Stealing Black Youth’s Bike Goes Viral On Social Media

Momi Dev

A video got viral on social media in which a White woman named Sarah Jane was in New York City making fool a group of people. She earned the nickname Cite Bike Karen after this viral video. In this video, she is trying to steal a bicycle from a Black Youth’s rentable bicycle.

 This incident happened on the weekend. Social media easily and quickly identify women as making fraud. Sarah Jane is an employee of NYC+Hospitals who is trying to steal a bicycle from a Young black man.

After one of the people told her he had already paid for the bike, Comrie is seen attempting to take it from him. While arguing, Comrie starts to scream for help and starts to cry. In addition to the clear robbery attempt, the white lady that is dressed up in scrubs was also shown on adhesive harassing the Black male before acting upset in an effort to use her ethnic background against him and depict herself as a victim.

She was crying fake it was noted by a person behind a camera that there is no tears in her eyes. She was crying to take the sympathy for her. She didn’t shed one tear at all. This video Is viral on social media and then according to Carolyn Bryant, she was involved in Emmett Till’s murder. 

When this video is uploaded on social media, this man was identify this lady and now she was a medical physician’s assistant employed with Bellevue Hospital. This information is gathered from the id that she wearing on the coat. 

This lady tried her best to weaponize her tears, but when she realized it wasn’t going to work she switched it off and acted like nothing happened. This should be criminal.

After this video was viral on social media, the Bellevue health system posted a statement related to this incident in which they said that:

“We have recently become aware of an incident that occurred off campus over the weekend and appears to involve one of our employees,” the statement read, as seen below. “We are sorry this happened, and we are reviewing the incident. NYC Health + Hospitals/Bellevue is committed to providing the highest quality of care to all New Yorkers with dignity, cultural sensitivity, and compassion.”

Some people’s voices about this incident are:

The man can be heard stating, “This is not your bike,” while laughing.

A mocking voice from the group remarks, “You’re not crying.”

Someone in the group remarks, “You an actor.”

Another says, “Stop crying like that.”

Someone in the group remarks, “Not a tear came down, miss,” which causes the white woman to shrug.

About the author

Alex Morgan is a seasoned technology enthusiast and digital strategist with over a decade of experience in the tech industry. Specializing in content marketing, SEO, and web development, Alex shares valuable insights and practical guides to help readers stay ahead in the digital landscape.

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