What Does ‘S’ Means On Snapchat? All You Need To Know!

Momi Dev

Snapchat is an instant messaging app that was developed by Snap Inc. It is one of the most popular social media app like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. It is used to share photos, videos, text, and drawings. This app is more popular than other messaging apps because when you share anything with the user, it will disappear from the recipient’s phone in a few seconds. It is available on both Android and Ios devices.

As there are different slangs or acronyms that people used on social media apps. But people are still confused about what does S means on Snapchat. They think of different meanings for that. 

In today’s blog post, you will learn the actual meaning of S on Snapchat. You find all the information in this article is totally authentic and genuine. So let’s start to explore more. 

What Does S Mean On Snapchat

S stands for SnapStreak on Snapchat. People use this slang to convey a message to others they want to continue their streak with you. So this slang is usually used on people’s Snapchat conversation chat.

Other Meanings Of S On Snapchat

  • S means on Snapchat is Sarcastic. This is also used in social media platforms and text chats. It means that the language of the person is so sarcastic.
  • S mean on Snapchat is Sulfur
  • S mean on Snapchat is Seconds
  • S mean on Snapchat is South
  • S mean on Snapchat is Siemens

Tweets From Some Snapchatters

These are the tweets from some Snapchatters who really don’t know what does s mean on Snapchat. 

SnapChat Streak Lost! How To Recover It

Why Do People Use S on Snapchat?

People use S on Snapchat for various purposes. Some of them are given below:

1.      To Keep the Conversation Going

People use S in their conversations trying to continue chats with others. If your conversation is not so long, but using this word makes your conversation long, and contact with your friend is strong. And the person on the other side is thinking that you want to make your chat long.

2.      To Prove and Maintain Friendships

Long conversations with your friends make your friendship strong. When you send a streak with your friend, other person also sends you in 24 hours. If they continue sending streaks with you then it indicates that your friends are sincere with you and want to continue their prlong friendship. That’s why people use S in their Snapchat conversations.

3.      To Increase Their Snap Score

Sending streaks are the best way to increase their Snapchat scores. When you send streaks to friends, your Snapchat score is automatically increases you are really proud of them on Snapchat. 

How to reply to Snap streaks?

If anyone sends you a streak, then how to reply to that:

1.      Always Respond In A Day

If your friend sends you a streak and you can’t respond you in 24 hours then you break a streak and the streak will disappear. So try to respond to the streak within a day. And the purpose of using S on your chats is not fulfilled. 

2.      Use The Pen Tool

People use the pen feature while sending streaks to their friends. Many people also write letters on the photo while some draw a S with a pen tool and then send it. 

3.      Send Some Stickers

You can also use stickers while sending streaks to your friends. The usage of stickers in your streaks makes your streaks creative and responsive. So locate the sticker from the top right corner of the screen and use it in streaks. 

4.      Use Bitmoji

You can also send a bitmoji sticker in response to a streak that your friend send you. You can spend cash on a Bitmoji sticker to add a bit extra personality to your snap. Swipe down on the camera screen and tap the “+” in the top-left corner to create your own bitmoji. You may then style your bitmoji avatar to look like you.

Why Does Snapchat Notification Say “Time Sensitive”?

What does Streak mean on Snapchat?

Streak is a Snapchat feature that was introduced in 2015 by the Snapchat team. The main purpose of the invention of Streak is to make engagement with the app. Streak is a way to send pictures back and forth to your friend. 

If your friend’s profile has a flame icon next to it on the Chat screen, you and your friend have joined in a Snapstreak. It shows that you and the other person were in touch using Snap more than three days in a row.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does S mean on Snapchat?

The word “S” on Snapchat stands for “Streaks.” In order to maintain up your Snapstreaks with a friend, you may send them an image of the word “S.” You can also send the same picture to each person with whom you are currently on a streak.

How do I respond to S on Snapchat?

To respond to an “S” on Snapchat, simply send a snap back to the person who sent you the “S” within 24 hours. To respond to S on Snapchat, some things to keep remember:

1. Always reply in 24 hours to streak.

2. Use stickers and gifs in your streak.

3. Use the Pen feature in your streak.

4. Use Bitmoji in your streak.

What’s the 💕 mean on Snapchat?

The 💕 emoji on Snapchat represents a “Best Friends” or “Super BFF” status between two users, indicating a close friendship or high level of interaction.

What does K means on Snapchat?

K means on Snapchat is Okay. This word is usually used on all social media platforms like Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, etc. 

What does RS mean on Snapchat?

RS means on snapchat is Round Snap. 

What do S and R mean on Snapchat?

This abbreviation stands for “streaks and recents,” indicating that the sender is contacting you either to extend a streak or because you are one of their most recent contacts.

What does S and M mean chat?

In the context of Snapchat chat, “S” commonly represents “Streaks” and indicates the desire to start or continue a snap streak with another user. “M” is often used to mean “Send me a Snap,” requesting the other user to send them a snap.

who has the longest streak on Snapchat?

Hannah and Lauren Luckey, who originally began their streak on the day the feature was released on April 6, 2015, currently hold the record for the longest Snapchat streak ever recorded.


I hope you clearly know about S means on Snapchat. S stands for snapchat is Snapstreak. People use this word in their conversations to show others that they want to continue their chat with that friend. It usually indicates that you want to maintain your friendship. If you have further questions, put them in the below comment box. Have a great day. 

About the author

Alex Morgan is a seasoned technology enthusiast and digital strategist with over a decade of experience in the tech industry. Specializing in content marketing, SEO, and web development, Alex shares valuable insights and practical guides to help readers stay ahead in the digital landscape.

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